Liotrivi - Korakakis Antonios and SIA EU - Messinia Olives - Finikounda Messinia - Messinia Olive Oil - Messinia Oil

Liotrivi - Korakakis Antonios and SIA EU - Messinia Olives - Finikounda Messinia - Messinia Olive Oil - Messinia Oil

113151 Visitors:
Address: Finikounda
Area: Messinia
Telephone: 2723071300
Mobile: 6978487191
P.C.: 24006
Fax: 2723071300
Responsible: Korakakis Antonios
Responsible phone: -
Finikounda Messinias Oil. Oil Production and Oil Standardization in Finikounda Messinia. "LIOTRIVI-KORAKAKIS & SIA EE" is based in Finikounda Messinia and with its many years of experience and excellent machinery provides its customers with excellent quality olive oil. In a modern workplace he operates consistently and professionally, a well-organized and fully-equipped olive sacred processing company. The oil that results from the processing of the olive oil retains al...
113151 Visitors:

Finikounda, Messinia

113151 Visitors:

Finikounda Messinias Oil.

Oil Production and Oil Standardization in Finikounda Messinia.

"LIOTRIVI-KORAKAKIS & SIA EE" is based in Finikounda Messinia and with its many years of experience and excellent machinery provides its customers with excellent quality olive oil.

In a modern workplace he operates consistently and professionally, a well-organized and fully-equipped olive sacred processing company.

The oil that results from the processing of the olive oil retains all the characteristics of its variety, highlighting its aroma, taste and texture.
Respecting the environment and our place we managed to create a remarkable olive oil mill with ecological conscience and excellent result.

We will be glad to visit us!

Yours sincerely
Korakakis Antonis


Liotrivi - Korakakis Antonios and SIA EU - Messinia Olives - Finikounda Messinia - Messinia Olive Oil - Messinia Oil Oil Production
Liotrivi - Korakakis Antonios and SIA EU - Messinia Olives - Finikounda Messinia - Messinia Olive Oil - Messinia Oil Oil Standardization
Liotrivi - Korakakis Antonios and SIA EU - Messinia Olives - Finikounda Messinia - Messinia Olive Oil - Messinia Oil Bottling of oil
113151 Visitors:


Telephone: 2723071300
Mobile: 6978487191

Working Hours

113151 Visitors: